Department of Medical Informatics
Our contacts at a glance
Phone: +49 (0)551 3961533
University Medical Center Göttingen
Directions by car
- By car you reach Göttingen on the A7, exit Göttingen Nord.
- Then direction Göttingen-Weende / Braunlage until the end of the motorway feeder road / crossing B27 - Hannoversche Straße.
- Straight ahead on the B 27 towards Braunlage, after about 300 metres turn right - towards the clinic on the Robert-Koch-Straße.
Location Hospital
You will already see the clinic on the left. Please follow the road signs.
Loation Von-Siebold-Straße
Continue straight ahead on Robert-Koch-Straße until you reach the intersection Kreuzbergring. After about 200 m turn left at the next intersection into Von-Siebold-Straße.
Directions by bus
The bus linies
- 21 (Direction Nikolausberg),
- 23 (Direction Uni Nord),
- 41 (Direction Weende-Ost),
- 44 (Direction Papenberg) and
- 170 (Direction Duderstadt)
depart from the railway station/ZOB.
Location Von-Siebold-Straße: Stop “Beyerstraße”
Location Klinikum: Stop „Klinikum“ below the main entranceunterhalb des Haupteingangs
The journey time is about 10-18 minutes. You can find a suitable bus connection via the connection search.
Directions to the rooms
Standort Robert-Koch-Straße 40
Access to the department's rooms in the clinic is on level 0 at elevator C2.
From the west entrance you pass the reception and the kiosk. From the east entrance you pass the lecture hall area and the Departmental Library of Medicine to get to elevator C2.
In the institute, walk up the small staircase and turn sharp left at the top of the stairs. There is a bell at the entrance to the offices.
To get to our seminar rooms "Bistro" and "Cockpit" as well as to the Departmental Library of Medical Informatics, please take the stairs. Turn left behind the stairs.

Standort von-Siebold-Straße 3
Please use the side entrance of the building at the crossing Von-Siebold-Straße/Kreuzbergring.
Go up the staircase to the first floor.
The institute rooms are located in the corridor behind the door on the first floor.
The seminar room is located directly behind the door next to the lockers.
The meeting room is at the other end of the corridor (third last door on the right).