Biosignal Processing

Department of Medical Informatics

The Biosignal Processing group develops automatic analysis methods of sensor-based physiological signals from clinical practice.

These cover the full spectrum of signal processing, from classical methods of time series analysis to data-driven deep learning methods. In addition to the development and improvement of existing diagnostic methods, the group also conducts research in the area of fundamental signal processing issues. In both basic and applied research, great emphasis is placed on reproducibility and explainability, and data as well as algorithms are made publicly available. The group also participates in clinical trials and third-party funded research projects. The focus is on the application of the developed solutions together with clinical partners (e.g. cardiology, sleep medicine, anesthesiology). Further activities of the group are in the out-of-hospital context such as the processing of privately collected data via wearables or apps.

In addition, we develop tools and platforms for collaborative research and perspective clinical practice.

Cooperation and memberships

The group is closely connected to the WG Medical Image and Signal Processing of the German Society for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology (GMDS) as well as the Biosignals Expert Committee of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering (DGBMT). Likewise, the group is involved in the Young DZHK junior researcher network of the German Center for Cardiovascular Research (DZHK). On the international level, she is active in the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) and chairs the German EMBS Chapter.


Presentations in 2024

01/2024: Department of Numerical Analysis, Eötvös-Loránd-Universität Budapest, Invited talk (Dr. Nicolai Spicher)

02/2024: Workshop Biosignale, Poster (Sebastian Schmale)

02/2024: Workshop Biosignale, Talk (Tabea Steinbrinker)

03/2024: Faculty of Informatics, Eötvös-Loránd-Universität Budapest, Invited talk (Dr. Nicolai Spicher)

04/2024: Heart and Brain Center Retreat (Dr. Nicolai Spicher)

07/2024: 46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Talk (Dr. Nicolai Spicher) 

07/2024: 46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Talk (Philip Hempel)

08/2024: ACM KDD 2024, Tutorial (Philip Hempel, Theresa Bender, Dr. Nicolai Spicher)

08/2024: GMDS Xtra Tracks, Lecture (Philip Hempel, Dr. Nicolai Spicher)

09/2024: GMDS Xtra Tracks, Panel (Dr. Nicolai Spicher)

09/2024: Computing in Cardiology 2024, Talk (Philip Hempel)

09/2024: 69th Annual Meeting of the GMDS, Poster (Tabea Steinbrinker)

09/2024: 58th Annual Conference of the DGBMT, Talk (Tabea Steinbrinker)

09/2024: 58th Annual Conference of the DGBMT, Talk (Tabea Steinbrinker)

11/2024: Night of Biosignals Göttingen, Talk (Angelika Bader, Philip Hempel, Sebastian Schmale, Tabea Steinbrinker)

11/2024: Night of Biosignals Krefeld, Talk (Nicolai Spicher)

Presentations in 2023

03/2023: SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Talk (Dr. Nicolai Spicher)

05/2023: Medical Informatics Europe 2023, Talk (Theresa Bender) 

06/2023: CIDAS Data Science Kolloquium, Talk (Dr. Nicolai Spicher)  

07/2023: 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Panel (Dr. Nicolai Spicher)

08/2023: 2nd IEEE German Education Conference, Talk (Theresa Bender), Workshop (Dr. Nicolai Spicher)

09/2023: 68. Jahrestagung der GMDS, Organized session (Dr. Nicolai Spicher), Poster (Asmus Bart), Poster (Dr. Ennio Idrobo-Avila),

09/2023: 57. Jahrestagung der DGBMT, Talk (Theresa Bender), Vortrag (Dr. Henning Dathe), Poster (Philip Gemke), Organized session (Dr. Nicolai Spicher)

09/2023: YDZHK Retreat, Poster (Philip Gemke), Poster (Dr. Nicolai Spicher)

10/2023: CINC 2023, Poster (Philip Gemke), Poster (Philip Zaschke)

11/2023: Institut für Medizinische Statistik, Informatik und Datenwissenschaften des Universitätsklinikum Jena, Invited talk (Dr. Nicolai Spicher)

11/2023: Ubiquitous Computing Lab, HTWG Konstanz, Invited talk (Dr. Nicolai Spicher)

12/2023: Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Schlafforschung und Schlafmedizin, Invited talk (Theresa Bender)

12/2023: IEEE EMBS International Conference on Data Science and Engineering in Healthcare, Medicine & Biology, Poster (Philip Gemke)

12/2023: IEEE EMBS Tunisia North Africa Forum on Healthcare Innovations, Invited talk (Dr. Nicolai Spicher)

Presentations in 2022

08/2022: GMDS Annual Meeting, Poster (Theresa Bender)

08/2022: Workshop Biosignals, Keynote (Dr. Nicolai Spicher)

09/2022: Computing in Cardiology, Poster (Dr. Nicolai Spicher)

09/2022: YDZHK Retreat, Talk (Dr. Nicolai Spicher)

09/2022: Infinity Conference, Poster (Dr. Nicolai Spicher) / Talk (Theresa Bender)

09/2022: Joint Annual Conference of the Austrian, German and Swiss Societies for Biomedical Engineering, Talk (Theresa Bender) / Organized session (Dr. Nicolai Spicher)


The group offers the course "Biosignal Processing" in the winter semester in the B.Sc. programs Applied Computer Science, Data Science and the course "Medical Signal and Image Processing" in the M.Sc. degree programs. In addition, Bachelor's, Master's, and Ph.D. theses on our research topics are offered at any time: Topic Collection. If you are interested, please contact us.



SOMNOLINK - Connected sleep data and decision support along the patient pathway for better care

Duration: 2024 to 2028

Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research


PRE-HF-ML - Predicting heart failure recovery by wearables and machine learning (DZHK Startup Grant)

Duration: 2024

Funded by the German Center for Cardiovascular Diseases (DZHK)

CIDAS Project Funding

CIDAS Project Funding - Multimodal assessment of infant neuromotor function via network physiology

Duration: 2024 to 2025

Funded by the Campus Institute for Data Science (CIDAS)


HeKKSaGOn Joint Project with KIT and Kyoto University

Duration: 2025 - 2027

Funded by German-Japanese university consortium HeKKSaGOn


  • International Summer School BIO-X Fellowship 2023 (Dr. Idrobo-Avila)
  • GGNB Travel Grant 2023 (Philip Gemke)
  • DAAD RISE Funding 2023 (Theresa Bender)
  • GWDG Data Science Summer School 2023 (Philip Zaschke)
  • George B. Moody PhysioNet Challenge 2023 best team name
  • George B. Moody PhysioNet Challenge 2023 placement 8
  • Physiological Measurement: Outstanding Reviewer (Dr. Nicolai Spicher)
  • DAAD RISE Funding 2024 (Philip Hempel)
  • DAAD WISE Funding 2024 (Nicolai Spicher)
  • GMDS Sponsorship award M.Sc. Thesis 2024 (Philip Zaschke)



Biosignal Processing

PD Dr. rer. nat. Henning Dathe

Biosignal Processing

Philip Hempel, M.Sc.

 Philip Hempel, M.Sc.

contact information

Head Biosignal Processing

Dr. rer. medic. Nicolai Spicher

Biosignal Processing

Tabea Steinbrinker

contact information

Students, assistants and graduates


  • Paul Gräve
  • Till Machreich
  • Sophia Schulmeister


  • Sebastian Schmale
  • Asmus Barth
  • Sabine Bader


  • Susann Bozkir (HAWK M.Eng. 2023)
  • Keshav Gandhi (DAAD RISE 2023)
  • Meike Knull (Trainee 2023)
  • Luca Limburg (Trainee 2023)
  • Robin Giese (Trainee 2023)
  • Philip Zaschke (M.Sc. 2023)
  • Tabea Steinbrinker (M.Sc. 2023)
  • Leon Reimers (B.Sc. 2023)
  • Dr. Ennio Idrobo-Ávila (Postdoc 2024)
  • Dr. Theresa Bender (Postdoc 2024)
  • Nina Scheiter (Trainee 2024)
  • Arsh Arora (DAAD WISE 2024)
  • Hyun Jeong (DAAD RISE 2024)
  • Mohammed Abdenacer Merbouti (Guest researcher 2024)


Head Biosignal Processing

Dr. rer. medic. Nicolai Spicher

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