
Department of Medical Informatics

Graduate Seminar

The Graduate Seminar is a public event of the Institute for Medical Informatics, which is intended to stimulate scientific discourse. Lectures on final theses, internal projects and often also by external guests provide the basis for subsequent discussion. The Graduate Seminar takes place every two weeks on Wednesdays, alternating with the Journal Club.

Contact and coordination: Daniel Thole / Sarah Baruffaldi

Dates Oberseminar 2024

Date Time Location* Topic Speaker
14.02.2024 1 to 2.30 pm Lecture room med 25 MeDaX: Creating a knowledge graph for medical data Dr. Judith Wodke, Universitätsmedizin Greifswald
28.02.2024 1 to 2.30 pm Seminar room 01.C.139 MIMIC IV on FHIR: Ups and Downs in Data Integration Dr. Hannes Ulrich, Kiel University Institute for Medical Informatics and Statistics
26.06.2024 1 to 2.30 pm Lecture room med 25 tba Johannes Pickert, Klinikum Bielefeld
31.07.2024 1 to 2.30 pm Lecture room med 25 A Simulation Approach to Photoplethysmography Imaging-based Health Status Monitoring Maurice Rohr, Technische Universität Darmstadt

* Department of Medical Informatics, Von-Siebold-Straße 3, 37075 Göttingen, lecture room med 25 oder seminar room med 24

Contact & coordination

Journal Club MI

The Journal Club of the Department for Medical Informatics offers a forum for discussion of current scientific developments. The goal is a lively exchange on the basis of a scientific article. Prior to the discussion the Journal Club members are prepared by a presentation. This includes the presentation of the publication, the authors and the scientific context. The event takes place on Wednesdays, alternating with the Graduate Seminar every two weeks.

Contact and coordination: Olusola Khalid Yusuf / Sarah Baruffaldi

Cross section meeting

The cross sectional meeting is an internal event of the Institute of Medical Informatics, which is open to external participants on request. The aim is to provide cross-departmental information and coordination on methodological or technical aspects and to deepen knowledge of methods and tools. After the selection of a topic, which may be of short notice, the speaker will introduce the topic and leave a lot of room for discussion of possible solutions as well as the exchange of previous experiences. The cross section meeting always takes place on Tuesdays.

Contact and coordination: Benjamin Löhnhardt / Sarah Baruffaldi

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