Institute Day 2.0

Junior researchers provide insights into current projects

As part of the second Institute Day at the Institute of Medical Informatics, which took place on September 26, 2024, the young researchers of the Biosignal Processing working group presented their current projects in inspiring lectures and offered fascinating insights into groundbreaking research in the fields of biosignal processing and the application of artificial intelligence in healthcare.

New insights into brain-heart interaction

In her lecture “Analyzing the Coupling between the Pulsatility of Cerebral Blood Vessels and Other Cardiorespiratory Rhythms”, Angelika Bader presented new approaches to better understand the complex interactions between brain and heart. She particularly emphasized the importance of analyzing several physiological signals simultaneously - a so-called multimodal analysis. Only through this holistic approach can the complex connections between the various body systems be identified. The work is being carried out in cooperation with the Department of Cognitive Neurology as part of the Heart and Brain Center Göttingen (HBCG).

Use of synthetic ECG data

Sebastian Schmale presented his project “Suitability Test of Synthetic ECG Data for Deep Learning”, which investigates the suitability of synthetic ECG data for training deep learning models. Synthetic data, which is often derived from physical models, is an exciting approach to creating privacy-friendly alternatives to real patient data. It was shown that synthetic signals do not yet reach the complexity of real data. Particularly fine details and unforeseen deviations that occur in real signals are often not fully mapped. Real data, when available in large quantities, remains the gold standard for deep learning models. Nevertheless, such insights are crucial to further improve the models and make synthetic data even more usable in the future.

The event provided an excellent opportunity to get to know the work of various working groups at the institute better and to exchange ideas.

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