MII Symposium 2024 in Berlin

At the MII Symposium 2024, the current results of the MII and prospects for further development will be presented to the (specialist) public under the motto “Using data, strengthening research, improving care¬ - our path to the European Health Data Space”. Among other things, data usage projects that are already successfully using the MII's research data infrastructure and that have been applied for via the MII's Research Data Portal for Health (FDPG) will be presented. The focus will also be on the results of the use cases, the Digital Progress Hubs for Health and the MII's junior research groups. In a panel discussion, preliminary work and fields of action on Germany's path to the European Health Data Space will be discussed.
About the Medical Informatics Initiative (MII):
The aim of the MII is to digitally network routine data from patient care throughout Germany and make it available for medical research in order to treat diseases faster and more effectively in the future. All institutions of university medicine in Germany are working on this together with non-university clinics, research institutions, companies, health insurance companies and patient representatives in the four consortia DIFUTURE, HiGHmed, MIRACUM and SMITH. TMF - Technologie- und Methodenplattform für die vernetzte medizinische Forschung e.V. heads the MII coordination office, which it operates together with the German Medical Faculty Association (MFT) and the Association of German University Hospitals (VUD). The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is funding the MII with a total of over 480 million euros up to and including 2026. Data protection and data security have the highest priority here.