NUM Convention 2025

Cooperation in the NUM: breaking new ground in an interdisciplinary and multicenter way

Photo: from left Prof. Dr. Christian Thies, Prof. Dr. Dagmar Krefting
Photo: Speakers at the session “Cross-sector research infrastructure for university medicine”

The Network of University Medicine (NUM) hosted the NUM Convention for the second time. On February 25 and 26, 2025, all those active in NUM and those interested in NUM came together at the Berlin Congress Center at Alexanderplatz.

Prof. Dr. Dagmar Krefting (Director of the Institute of Medical Informatics) gave a lecture together with Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hoffmann (University Medicine Greifswald), PD Dr. Sven Zenker (University Hospital Bonn) and Prof. Dr. Thomas Ganslandt (FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg) on the routine use of data for prospective studies in NUM. Prof. Krefting was also a speaker in the workshop “Cross-sector research infrastructure for university medicine”. The workshop aims to make the special features of the outpatient sector understandable, create a common understanding for their consideration and develop a vision of how the outpatient research infrastructure can be successfully integrated into the NUM.

Further information can be found on the event website.

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