Department of Medical Informatics

The UMG is one of seven locations of the German Centre for Cardiovascular Research (DZHK). The DZHK is one of six German Centres of Health Research, all of which are dedicated to the research of widespread diseases, and is funded by the BMBF.

The aim of the DZHK is to accelerate the translation of basic research into health care. Therefore, cross-location clinical studies and ensuring the subsequent use of the collected data play an important role. The particular challenge here is to establish a comprehensive structure and uniform data collection across all studies and the participating study centres. This is because each of the now more than 25 studies has its own special features and each study is conducted by different study directors and with a total of more than 70 study centres, some of them international.

The institute is responsible for the central data management of the clinical studies within the DZHK. This includes the operation and maintenance of the study databases and the consolidation of information from the various information systems of the DZHK infrastructure. In addition to the study databases, these include the biobanks, the image databases and the pseudonymisation service. Data management also includes the development and verification of quality criteria for the data.

In addition, the transfer office is also located at the institute as part of the data management. The Transfer Office is responsible for allocating and issuing the data and biomaterial samples released for researchers by the Use and Access Committee of the DZHK.

The central data storage is part of the central infrastructure project of the DZHK and works closely with the operators of the other services and with the DZHK office.

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